Blog a Debate

October 17, 2012


Word Wednesday

Debate, the Wednesday word, is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as a formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition.  Hopefully today we are more enlightened by last night’s presidential debate.  As citizens of the United States of America we have the ability to vote.  We have the freedom of choice.  Anyone who cares about the future of our country should take the time to be informed and by doing this each of us can make better decisions for our collective futures.

A debate is also defined with words such as deliberation and consideration-words which can be put into action by each vote cast.  Debates are arguments pure and simple-they are not popularity contests.  Voters need to sift through the facts of a debate and make decisions based solely on who can do the best job.  I f you do not get the job done, then someone else needs to step up and get the job done and so on and so forth until the right person is chosen, until promises are kept and politics become less important and there are jobs and opportunities once again.

The power of debate is something our country should be proud of-allowing opinions and voices to be heard.  As voters we need to be deliberate, our own form of debate, we must use the individual power of voting as our forefathers intended it to be used.

Blog what you think, feel, hear, and say.

Live each day well or write a book.



Blog to the Beach

July 22, 2009

“To the Beach” the sign reads with an arrow pointing down the road. I sniff the air and follow the arrow and the scent of the ocean leads me to a sand path with wisps of beach grass and flowers. The walk is short and familiar; we have spent many summers on this beach, coming back to the same rental, year after year. Our only complaint is that it is never long enough, because just when we get a rhythm going we have to leave. Next year maybe we will stay longer, long enough to get bored. For now our beach vacation is over and we are packing up, going home and the sun has barely risen, and the beach is nearly empty when I climb the path one final time. The shore comes into view. I hold my breath for an instant caught in the intake of the ocean’s beauty. I walk to her edge and whisper my goodbyes. “I’ll be back,” I say. ‘Wait for me, don’t forget me.” The sand slips between my toes and the water laps my ankles in acknowledgment of my request.

“To the Beach” the sign on my refrigerator reads. The arrow points to the porch and beyond. “Remember me,” I say as I sniff the air and follow the tip of the arrow.

Join me on Friday, June 24th for a blog post about a writer’s worst nightmare: how to avoid distractions and stay focused. “Time Management In An Instant” by Karen Leland and Keith Bailey will spark the discipline writer’s like I need to better manage time and to keep writing.

Have the best day every day…


Fight-the-Fight in Blog

June 27, 2009


A portal opened in the universe and two celebrities of the 21st Century passed through.  The news has been flooded with the sudden demise of Michael Jackson.  His music, his eccentricities and his addictions all spread out across the globe for hungry viewers.  Over shadowed by the glitz of the weird, Farrah Fawcett’s death portrayed with less intensity, but more dignity sends a valuable message.  She fought the fight.  What are you and I fighting?  Ms. Fawcett remained hopeful to the end, could we be that brave?


Like Hudson Catalina in “Belly of the Whale”…to give up hope is to give up life.


Fight-the-fight, it is your life and mine.


Have the best day everyday.







Blog Women of Wisdom

June 22, 2009

“What will you do with this one wild passionate life?” Mary Oliver…


Blogging about passion and having a dream is one of my favorite subjects.  Too often women in particular find themselves stuck outside their aspirations.  When young the idea of pursuing something that made the heart sing and soul dance faded, overtaken by responsibility and day-to-day life.  Time sends the message that age is not dream friendly.  Take notes: None of this matters.  As a woman who pursued her dream late in life and succeeded in its coming true, I say to all women that you must to be true to your self, to your passion.


Women of Wisdom by Kris Steinnes is a great compilation of stories directed to spirituality and empowering of women.  Angeles Arrien has a chapter about having to put your dreams on hold.  Her words speak to all women.  “I am at home when I have fire; when I am deeply connected to what has heart and meaning.”  Purchase a copy of Women of Wisdom to use daily as inspiration and guidance.


Women of Wisdom by Kris Steinnes, is being offered beginning June 23rd, 2009 at 12:01am.  We invite you to go to this page – – to access the order page and then go back to this page to access the bonus page.  On the Exclusive Private Invite page, enter your order confirmation code.  That will allow you to gain entry to the bonus gifts that are available to people who buy the book on June 23rd.


Have the best day everyday-stay true to your passion.




Blog Blooms Day

June 20, 2009

Blooms Day, June 16 is a celebration of the Irish writer, James Joyce, Ulysses. Named after, Leopold Bloom the protagonist this memorable day is filled with recitation and merriment.  This past Tuesday, Blooms Day 2009, I read a short excerpt from Molly Bloom’s Soliloquy.


I turned inward yes caught up in memories yes of Molly and Bloom yes their world their day yes and I was the Flower of the mountain for a few minutes yes and felt his breath on my neck yes and it was Leap Year yes my gawd Leap Year how did I miss that opportunity yes and what if I had known would I have asked him yes to say yes I will yes he might have taken me dancing yes twirled me round the floor yes and said I will yes he might have said yes.


Have the best day every day.


On Monday the 22nd of June, stop by to get information about Women of Wisdom by Kris Steinnes.  This incredible book speaks to women and addresses the endless possibilities of spirituality and empowering of self.




Blog Julianne Moore’s New Book

June 11, 2009


Freckleface StrawberryWorking parents should pay attention, it is a difficult juggle between quantity and quality time with your children and the guilt, oh my, the guilt that builds up from leaving the kids at daycare.  In Julianne Moore’s children’s book, “Freckleface Strawberry and the Dodgeball Bully” the idea of having to go to Early Bird BEFORE school starts doesn’t mean a long face or a stream of complaints it means not having to eat extra breakfast and getting to PLAY before school. 


Parenting has its measure of challenge and this book helps send a message to children that some things might surprise us.  Talented artist, LeUyen Pham, beautifully illustrates the book; she has all the details on each page, giving children a picture perfect book.  Ms. Moore and Ms. Pham work their magic together in giving young children a story that sends the message to not be afraid, one that says other children may be feeling the same as you, and the best resolution is to make a new friend.


Click for more information on how to purchase Julianne Moore’s book “Freckleface Strawberry and the Dodgeball Bully” and to see her tour schedule.


Ms. Moore is a tireless advocate for children and especially those whose families live in rural areas.  She focuses on literacy and early childhood education and is U.S. Ambassador for Save the Children.   She launched Save the Children Valentine and is a member of Reach Out and Read.  Most of us know her as an acclaimed actress; this book secures her place as a picture book author as well. 

Thanks for stopping by and remember to have the best day everyday. 





Blog a Reunion

June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Blog a Reunion

Sometimes you are just along for the ride, and other times you are the ride. On Saturday, I chauffeured three members of my family, three women all over eighty-five to breakfast. It had been five years since they had seen each other, the three together. One is my mother, her sister who is ninety-four and the third their sister-in-law. The conversation began with a laundry list of ailments and present infirmities but quickly switched to nostalgia. They talked about when they were young and how each met their husbands and what it was like to be a young girl in the 20’s and 30’s of the twentieth century.

As I sat among them I realized what a moment I was sharing, I knew that the possibility of another reunion might not occur in their lifetime. Another reason to be in the moment, to savor the minutes together and say I love you, I love your face and your laugh, I love how you eyes dance when you smile and how time has not changed your spirit.

Blog what you feel, see, and hear.

On Friday this week, June 12th, please stop for my review of Freckleface Strawberry and the Dodgeball Bully by Julianne Moore. I will have her tour site up and lots of info regarding this charming story. Ms. Moore is an award-winning actress, tireless children’s advocate and U.S. Ambassador for Save the Children. Her focus is literacy and early childhood education.

Have the best day everyday…


Blog a Summer Night

June 4, 2009

Summer nights are beginning here on the east coast, the kind of nights when windows remain open and the evening chorus of insects drifts through the bedroom window. The frogs crock and the crickets chirp, tuning up for their late June symphony. Airplanes crisscross the sky, a distant set of swooshes in the darkness, and sometimes a car makes its way along the road, a gentle thumb of tires against the pavement. Now and then, a dog barks and another answers, this collection of sounds are familiar, each has it measure of comfort.

 I favor this time of year, I am at my best, the arrival of my birth month of May is celebrated and when summer waves its last farewell, I hold tight and fast to her fading warmth. There is great solace in knowing that the music of nature will play again and that I am still a member of the audience. The return of this season has also brought a resurgence of inspiration; my mind has begun to blossom again. The story that bubbles inside has found its path at last, and the words flow again on to the page. Writing, indeed, is an act of faith. Everyday I hold tight to believing much the same way that I grasp summer nights.

Blog what you see, hear, think and feel.

 On Friday, June 12 please look for my review of “Freckleface Strawberry and the Dodgeball Bully” written by actress, Julianne Moore and illustrated by LeUyen Pham. This is a children’s book with delightful illustrations and a story that children will enjoy, Ms. Moore has stepped out of her actor’s shoes and into a writer’s robe, not a simple task, but one she does with ease.

Have the best day everyday,


Belated Birthday

April 9, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday to Belly of the Whale, one year ago my novel and I were launched into the debut book universe. We are still on an amazing journey. Our path has been and continues to be filled with new faces and opportunities.

For those who keep up with my good days the moon is full in Libra. It fills Wednesday and Thursday. Libra has a penchant for two’s, use this time to work in a partnership. The changing face of the full moon’s reflection will go off stage from just before 10pm on Thursday. She will return about 5:30am Friday shrouded in her mask of Scorpio. This is a most fitting day for this energy giving it is Holy Week and Passover. Scorpio forces us to go deep within our selves. We are covered until Sunday. There are only Good Days ahead.

Please check in on Friday for my review of the Dan Fogelberg CD: A Retrospective Interview. Dan died of prostate cancer at the age of 56 in December of 2007. His personal message to all men is written inside the CD cover.

Have the best day every day. Linda

Blog a Beginning

March 23, 2009


Some things happen outside of time, like running into old friends, or familiar scents, voices, landscapes and lost letters.  These moments propel you to places or memories from a time long ago when you were younger, when life was simpler, and when time was not walking with you, shoulder-to-shoulder.  All of these places, all past connections are woven so permanently inside the fabric of our being that at any second with the correct chemistry one or more can awake.


Such a moment occurred recently when I was invited to participate in a book club discussion for my novel, Belly of the Whale.  The invitation had come many months before from an acquaintance now living in the Cape Ann area, the location of my book.  We shared families through marriage, in-laws, cousins and the like but we were not related.  Four decades had passed and here I was at her door being welcomed as an author, treated like a celebrity.  She was candid with her remarks before the group arrived.  I had to read the book first she said before I could recommend it to the club and I loved it.


Soon her home was filled with the hum of female voices.   I was deluged with handshakes and introductions.  I looked out among the faces and saw women like myself holding copies of Belly of the Whale.  Questions began and I answered.  How did the story begin, what was the seed?  I knew the responses because I’d made them before, but this was different, that night I was a bridge away from Gloucester, from Ten Nettles Cove and Whales Market.  One woman after another exclaimed that they looked for the Market and wondered what street it was on and how thoughts of the story remained with them long after the last page.


When would the sequel be released?  Was there a sequel?  What was I working on now?  When would my next book be published?  The walls of inertia that had formed around me in the last few months began to crumble.  Every writer requires retreat, time to ruminate and I had mine.  The alarm was going off in my head.  A room full of wonderful women speaking with honesty and passion was my elixir.


On April 10th I will dedicate my blogging to the education and awareness of prostate cancer.  In December 2007 Dan Folgelberg died of this disease.  He was barely past fifty years old.  We all know his music- Same Old Lang Syne and Leader of the Band to name two.  I will participate in the promotion of a double CD package called Dan Fogelberg-A Retrospective Interview.  The CD’s feature thirteen of Dan’s great songs coupled with Fred Migliore of FM Odyssey Radio and his interview celebrating Dan Fogelberg’s twenty-five years of music in 1997.  Three dollars from the sale of this package goes to PCF in Dan’s name to help find a cure.


Please remember to the fight-fight.


Blog what you hear, feel, think and see.  Linda